I help pioneers and changemakers

live and work with purpose again!

Hi, I’m Brie!

I know that nagging sensation all too well - that inner voice urging you to shake things up while leaving you unsure where to even begin. That feeling can make taking the first step in a new direction daunting. That’s where I come into help you. Consider me your not-so-secret hype woman and support partner in your journey!

From startups to Fortune 500s, I've seen it all – the successes, the restarts, the setbacks, the negative residual spillover onto your personal life when you’re not at your best, and everything in between.

With nearly 15 years of experience as a product leader and business executive, I offer a coaching experience rooted in empathy, enriched with experimentation, and guided by strategic thinking. I believe that lasting change and those big a-ha moments stems from striking the right balance between fluidity and structure to break down those gnarly problems that you’re facing. I call it dancing in the moment! It's how I have seen great products made, my teams grow and thrive, and people and organizations I’ve been a part of find shared purpose.

So whether you’re navigating a career transition, seeking personal growth, or simply eager to unlock your full potential, I’m here to ensure you feel seen AND supported every step of the way!

Are you ready to unleash your inner alchemist?

Let’s transform your relationship with your career and yourself!

After working with me you will:

  • Navigate BIG career and life transitions with confidence and clarity

  • Reconnect with your authentic self

  • Begin recovering from burnout while rediscovering your purpose

  • Overcome self limiting beliefs and derailing behaviors

  • Embrace change and unlock your full potential

What the coaching process looks like

Quick note on my philosophy about access

I believe that everyone should have access to the transformation that can come from investing in yourself and partnering with a career or life coach. That means I take a certain number of sliding scale customers per month if the current program rate is inaccessible to you due to current financial circumstance. Please don’t let money be the reason you don’t reach out to me! It’s a brutal job market out there, and now is an amazing time to go inward and work with a coach. Why not take this downtime to invest in your growth?

How I work with my clients

Consider me your co-pilot in this journey inward!

I believe in the heavy use of the socratic method and empathy-forward coaching techniques. People often already have their answers, they just need a processing partner to have that a-ha moment with themselves or a strong systems thinker to organize all the decision-making puzzle pieces in a way that helps better metabolize copious amounts of information.

Said another way, I will thoughtfully push or give suggestions when pushing feels required as we work together, but I won’t give a client answers or directives. That’s not my m.o. YOU are the holder of your truth! I’m just a mirror “shamaning” you, if you will, through the process of re-connecting with your core values, giving language to your vision, and providing you a channel for accountability to doing the damn thang!


  • Brie's leadership style is characterized by open communication, inclusivity, and a strong emphasis on authenticity that help her team feel encouraged to contribute ideas and grow professionally and personally.

    Paige Hewlett, VP of Marketing

  • Brie is a strategic thinker who not only sets hight standards but also motivates and empowers her teams to surpass them.

    Meenal Patel, Senior Product Manager

  • I am touched by Brie's genuine desire to help others, especially women, grow in their respective roles. She is a willing mentor, often going above and beyond to support the development of her teammates and her direct reports.

    Emily Paris, Senior Product Manager

I’ve worked with clients and supported leaders from the following organizations

Get in touch!

What are you waiting for? Drop me a line already!